oh me oh my!!! X)
I BOUGHT THE WHOLE SERIES OF TWILLIGHT BOOKS HERE!!! (: for a grand total of AU$80. iz that still considered a good buy? x) well, seems like the second book was too abrupt, i didnt like it. and my school had some fairs with this guy selling books, and TA-DA!!! (: i found them. the third and the forth book!! yipee!
but yeah, cant spend too much time reading.
because... i started school already!!! mixed feeelingsssss!
it's good that school's started because it's now more interesting with something to do during the day. and apparently i arranged my timetable in such a way that i've got morning classes during the days i've got classes. which meant, i woke up at 7am this morning to get to my 8am lecture. x)
but den again, it's bad because school iz stressful. i started doing my tutorials last night in preparation for my tut this afternoon. i spent 2hours on it, wiki-ing everything for the answers. thank God i did my tut and spent that 2hours on it. apparently, here in singapore we're WAY behind the australians in terms of the thing studied. waywaywaywayfarbehind.
my first tutorial was on anatomy - the basics of exercise and sports science.
the lecturer blasted off with medical and anatomical terms. and as the only international student in the class, everyone else seems to know what's going on, and they could actually answer the lecturer offhand without having to consult notes and all. ah! seems like i've really got alot of independent studying to do!
but i guess, other than that. i've made ONE friend (: at least she's not considered a hi-bye? we've been going for lectures together and lunch as well (: whoopee! and her name iz NATALIA!! (:
*throbs @18:38 <3
There .
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